Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Congrats On Your New Soda Site

Hey J.F. Cutter,

I just sold my western soda collection and now you're getting a site going. I'm not much of a blogger, soleagent can attest to that, but I'll try to support your efforts and enthusiasm. Will you allow an EC&M insulator collector who owns only 8 or 9 western sodas on your site?

Thanks Lance,
Denny Bray


  1. Lets see those EC&M's Denny. I didn't realize you had all them Thar sodas, I saw the pics, nice grouping. Rick

  2. Thanks for the support, Denny!

    You bet you can join us for some fun on this site! The cool thing about sodas is that almost everyone has a handful of them and can easily relateand share soda stories.

    Congrats on selling your collection....moving to E.C. & M's is very respectable -- those suckers are as crude and colorful as early glass gets!

