Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bremenkampf & Regli- Eureka, Nev.

I have always liked the early Nevada sodas. The W.S. Wright, G.P. Morrill, and Stephens and Jose to name a few. here is a nice blob from Eureka, Nevada. The Bremenkampf & Regli's seem to be pretty scarce, and this example has some nice swirls of green throughout, and slag particles along with trails of bubbles. I know some green examples exist also. Dale M.


  1. Thanks for sharing Dale! The Nevada sodas are all very desirable and tough to find....especially with unique characteristics like all the green swirls & streaks!

  2. I dug a B & R very similar to that one and traded it to a young collector from up your way, Dale. I can't recall his name 'cause I'm 65 and it's been several years. Danged CRS(Can't Remember Sh*t).LOL

  3. There is one of these up on ebay right now (minus the green streak in this example) I don't believe the seller mentions if it was cleaned, but it sure shines.
