Monday, September 19, 2011

Lynde & Putnam


  1. Looks good. If I had a dollar for every soda I dug over the years I'd still be poor.

  2. Thanks, Mike!

    I don't have many photos of sodas on my computer right now, so posted what I could for the time being. It would be great to have pictures of all the western blob sodas from the Markota book on this blog site in the future....

  3. Really nice lookin L & P I sold most of my sodas back in the 80s, been kickin myself since........Andy V

  4. How do we make new posts to your site? Great potential here.

  5. Great question, Mike!

    If you send me your email address, I should be able to add you as an author to this blog. My email is:

  6. Back in the day I passed on a Lynde & Putnam for $65 in deep green, non-tumbled with a bubble burst in making within the slug plate. Lotta character but by no means "mint". Ah, well those prices are long gone.
